Ohayou! My name is Yovi, I’, 25 years old and I’m from Indonesia. I’m a master student in Engineering Physics at Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. I decided to join Campus Asia 6 (CA6) at Tsukuba University because I was interested in the programs offered and I felt challenged to take the experience of studying abroad. The programs offered at CA6 are relatable with my major at my home university, so this broadens my knowledge and the mentors at Tsukuba University are very welcoming to foreign students. In addition, CA6 participants were also from various Asian countries which made it possible to exchange cultures and exchange views. I don’t think CA6 is like an average exchange student, CA6 really goes beyond that. Students really collaborate a lot in academic and non-academic activities.
I was involved in the research activities of Prof. Yuzo OHNO regarding materials for lasers. This is a new thing for me. I did research from the basics, and I was also well guided by Prof. OHNO and colleagues in the laboratory. I learned so many new things. I hope that my knowledge before and after joining the OHNO laboratory will enhance my knowledge in the nanomaterial’s world. I got the opportunity to deliver a seminar about my thesis project face to face, it really made me nervous but I’m sure I will never forget that activity. It’s an honor for me.
I am very interested in continuing my studies to the doctoral degree at Material Innovation, Tsukuba University. However, if that’s not possible I really want to visit Japan again someday.