Through this experience, I realized that my professional research, although niche, still has significant contribution to the world’s sustainable development strategy from a global perspective, and I hope that in the future,

What motivated you to participate in CA6?

The purpose of participating in this program is mainly threefold: firstly, to expand professional horizons and understand the development of the discipline abroad; secondly, to understand that the purpose of this program is to cultivate global leadership and management talents, so that we can come into contact with students of different majors, carry out multifaceted exchanges and cooperation, and broaden the multidirectional perspective of observing problems; thirdly, to understand the differences in the development of the society and culture of different countries, and to increase our own understanding of the outside world through first-hand experience.


What is the most impressive thing you have learned at the Dispatched University?

The most impressive thing was to follow tutor to Mt. Tsukuba to conduct research on underground springs. At that time, the tutor introduced us to springs located at different locations of the mountain top, mountainside and foot of the mountain, and also talked about their age stages in detail, such as baby springs, uncle springs etc. —- The introduction of perspective was very vivid and interesting, and it was the first time that I knew how to speculate the age of the springs. In addition, my mentor is a very rigorous and serious scholar, from whom I learned a lot of excellent qualities, such as reverence for academics and seriousness and meticulousness in work, which I greatly admire.


What you would like to make the most of in your future research or carrier from the experiences of this project?

Through this experience, I realized that my professional research, although niche, still has significant contribution to the world’s sustainable development strategy from a global perspective, and I hope that in the future, I can focus on the development of my profession and make more achievements that are beneficial to the progress of science.


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