It was good to share the educational characteristics and educational environment of each country.

What motivated you to participate in CA6?

It was good to study with students from various Asian countries and to study contents related to global citizenship education. In addition, I was able to study at University of Tsukuba in Japan for three months, and I was able to participate in not only regular classes but also clubs at this school, and I was able to make various Japanese friends, which was also great.


What is the most impressive thing you have learned at the Dispatched University?

I was surprised that there were still many Asian countries that were struggling with the educational gap. I was also surprised to see the reality that Korea had a really bad educational environment for teachers, but in reality, other countries, especially Japan, also had very poor treatment of teachers.


What you would like to make the most of in your future research or carrier from the experiences of this project?

I learned the contents of equal education during Program A class, and I thought it would be good to apply it to physical education subjects to provide different levels of help and achievement experiences to students with different starting lines.


What is your future dream or plan?

Many students want to help improve their well-being and health by enjoying physical education and increasing their physical activity together. I also want to create an atmosphere where everyone can enjoy physical education for the rest of their lives.


What you learned from spending time with multinational students

It was good to share various opinions on one topic. In addition, it was good to share the educational characteristics and educational environment of each country.

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